Alpha Rho Chapter ... By The Numbers!

By APCAA Staff
Alpha Rho Chapter Culture Points You Never Knew You Needed To Know:
Number of initiates in 99 years: 1,344;
Number of living members, worldwide: 810;
Number of Brothers expected at 2024 Centennial in Atlanta: 500;
Number of Brothers who joined 2021 Charter Day Zoom during the Covid-19 pandemic: 475;
Number of times Alum Brothers hear “ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR” when visiting campus: approximately 257;
Number of Brothers who attended 2006 fraternity centennial in Washington, DC: 155;
Number of pledge periods since 1924: 141;
Number of Brothers who will enter the history books as 2024 Centennial Captains: 100;
Number of Brothers who actually lived in the Alpha House in Quarles Court: 72;
Number of Brothers in the Chapter during membership peak: 62 (1980-81);
Number of Brothers named Jason, Justin or Jordan: 54;
Number of Brothers who still think MLKJr. pledged Alpha Rho Chapter: 35-40;
Number of Charter Members: 13;
Number of Brothers who served multiple years as chapter president: 8 (Causey, Burrell, Tabor, Tolbert, Lamar, Gandy, Bullock, and Bailey);
Number of blood Brothers on same pledge line: 3 (Archibald, Cecil and James Brown, Fall 1962);
Number of Brothers who know the items inside of the time capsule underneath the APCAA 90th Anniversary Memorial Obelisk: 2;
Number of Brothers on smallest pledge line in Alpha Rho legacy: 1 (Bro. Farris T. Johnson, Spring 1972);
Number of dollars provided by Alpha national, Morehouse College, Sallie Mae, or Oprah Winfrey in support of AP Centennial: $0.
So what have we learned today? Well, that numbers matter … and that Centennial 2024 will not pay for itself! Please take a moment to consider paying forward the investment made in you when you were selected to become one of only 1,344 people on the planet who can genuinely say: Joining Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. At Alpha Rho Chapter Was The Best Decision I’ve Ever Made!
